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Pink Amethyst Crystal Geode half

Pink Amethyst

Specializing in the Highest Quality Pink Amethyst Crystals available. Crystal for Divine Love and Peace. Pink Amethyst connects to your heart, third eye and crown chakras. This lovely Crystal helps you view your life experiences from a higher perspective motivating you to take action with a strong sense of divine love. Pink Amethyst geode crystals are a relatively new discovery - a form of Quartz from Patagonia, Argentina.

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Size matters. Shown here is a rare occurrence of a large, zoned, well formed, double terminated Pink Amethyst crystal in a geode. We don't use the word rare unless absolutely merited, and this exceptional representative of Pink Amethyst, featuring a double terminated crystal over one inch in size, is definitely outside the norm.
 Nestled in this excellent specimen and appearing near the inside edge of the pocket is a very rarely seen, just over one inch double terminated Pink Amethyst crystal, unquestionably large for Pink Amethyst, with smaller secondary growth crystals growing from the middle of the facets.

Rare Pink Amethyst Geode Large Double Terminated 207g

More rosette formations! Shown here are both sides of a whole Pink Amethyst geode exhibiting beautiful clusters of crystals with multiple flower-like rosette formations, double-terminated crystals, and curiously shaped, manganese included, UV reactive Calcite crystals.
Specializing in the highest quality Pink Amethyst Crystal Geodes available. Always 100% natural. The larger side of the geode exhibits gorgeous Pink Amethyst rosette formations, especially deep in the pocket with curiously formed flattened, elongated Calcite crystals that have grayish manganese inclusion.

Excellent Pink Amethyst Geode Calcite Both Sides 318g

Shown in this group of photos are both sides of a superb whole Pink Amethyst geode exhibiting beautiful color, flower-like rosette formations and drusy bridge formations, including well formed UV reactive Calcite crystals.
This is a special opportunity to receive both sides of an exceptional Pink Amethyst and Calcite crystals geode.  The larger side of the geode exhibits a gorgeous rosette formation with double-terminated Pink Amethyst nestled between nicely formed Calcite crystals.

Superb Pink Amethyst Geode Calcite Both Sides 310g

The presence of the less common, quality double-terminated Pink Amethyst crystals combined with well formed UV reactive Calcite in this fine whole geode specimen is representative of a higher grade example of the species.
These are both sides of a whole Pink Amethyst geode exhibiting beautiful color and including well formed scalenohedral Calcite crystals.

Whole Pink Amethyst Geode Calcite Both Sides 301g

Specializing in the highest quality Pink Amethyst Crystal Geodes available. Always 100% natural, never treated. This is a gorgeous, large, lustrous, quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with rosette "ball", bridge, and double-terminated crystal formations.
There are plenty of exceptional features to explore in this sensational representative of a Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode piece from the Choique Mine, Pehuenches-Neuquen, Patagonia, Argentina.

Large Pink Amethyst Rosette Bridge Double Terminated Crystals 253g


Deep Dark Pink Amethyst High Quality Geode 105g

This is a high quality dark Pink Amethyst and Calcite crystals geode exhibiting excellent color.
There is much to discover in this exceptional Pink Amethyst Geode specimen, including calcite crystals, some with manganese included, that also have a nice shine.

High Quality Dark Pink Amethyst & Calcite Geode 167g

This is a truly excellent Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode with good shine on the faces of the crystals, both on the rosettes and the tabular looking crystals.
This is an excellent, quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with multiple darker pink, prismatic, flower like rosette formations and a secondary growth bridge formation growing inward from the edge of the specimen.

Pink Amethyst Excellent Darker Rosette Formations | 136 grams

Gorgeous Pink Amethyst Crystal Geode
Close up of Pink Amethyst Crystals

Deep Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode 109 grams

This is a sensational, lustrous, quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with numerous, well formed transparent and translucent double terminated crystals.
The darker pink crystals presenting in the beautiful Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode are representative of higher quality Pink Amethyst.

Pink Amethyst Sparkling Double Terminated Crystals | 135 grams

This is an unusual, beautiful, quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with a grouping of atypical elongated crystals, definitely less common, some exhibiting re-crystallized or "self-healed" faces and terminations.
 The darker pink crystals are representative of higher quality Pink Amethyst. The many crystals in this specimen appear fascinatingly crowded in the pocket.

Pink Amethyst Geode Unusual Elongated Crystals | 177 grams

This is a very lustrous, beautiful, quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with excellent darker pink color.
The Pink Amethyst crystals that cling closely to the base of this geode present with an almost juicy quality.

Pink Amethyst Geode Lustrous Sparkling Crystals Darker Color | 101 grams

This is an outstanding, beautiful, quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with excellent darker pink color, featuring a fascinating, unusual stalactite like formation of crystals near the center of the specimen with a double terminated crystal perched near the the top.

Pink Amethyst Geode Cool Stalactite Crystal Formation | 137 grams

This is a quality, sandwich seam-like, beautiful Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen featuring deep, dark pink color and fascinating calcite crystals that appear almost twinning in presentation though are more likely cool parallel growth.
Densely packed Pink Amethyst crystals line the walls of this excellent geode specimen. Well formed, the Calcite crystals exhibit wonderfully with scattered, sort of spotted with interesting manganese over their surfaces.

Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Sandwich With Calcite | 173 grams

This is an excellent deep, darker pink, higher quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen featuring an abundance of lustrous crystals presenting in fascinating arrays and clusters with wonderfully contrasting manganese glazed Calcite crystals, one of which appears large and prominently near the center of the specimen.
Absolutely crowded with superbly formed Pink Amethyst crystals, both primary and smaller secondary growth crystals present beautifully.

Deep Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Manganese Calcite | 159 grams

This is a cavernous, quality, beautiful Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen featuring wonderful depth, exceptionally well formed water clear calcite crystals near the edge of the specimen and a secondary growth small calcite crystals bridge deep in the pocket.
Many densely packed Pink Amethyst crystals line the walls of this excellent geode specimen.

Cavernous Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Clear Calcite | 203 grams

This is a fascinating, quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen featuring a beautiful rosette formation, double terminated crystals perched near the center of the pocket and contrasting  manganese imbued calcite crystals.
The majority of the terminations of the crystals, both primary and secondary growth,  are excellent in this Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen.

Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Rosette Double Terminated | 118 grams

This is a beautiful, larger size, thick, lustrous, high quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with a fascinating dispersion of rhombic Calcite crystals across and deeper in the pocket.
The beautiful presentation of rhombic Calcite crystals in this fine Pink Amethyst Geode specimen inspires deeper exploration of this excellent display piece.

Pink Amethyst Geode Crystals Rhombic Calcite | 226 grams

Specializing in the highest quality Pink Amethyst Crystal Geodes available. Always 100% natural, never treated.  This is an excellent, larger size, quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with multiple double terminated crystals. 4.08" x 3.12" x 2.11" or 103.7mm x 79.3mm x 53.8mm deep.
The most prominent, beautiful feature of this fine Pink Amethyst Crystal Geode specimen is the raised stack of crystals near the center of the pocket that includes multiple double terminated crystals, one perched right on top of the formation!

Pink Amethyst Double Terminated Crystals Geode 4" | 243 grams

Specializing in the highest quality Pink Amethyst Crystal Geodes available. Always 100% natural, never treated.  This is an extremely lustrous, deep pink, high quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen.  3.72" x 2.26" x 2.01" or 94.6mm x 57.5mm x 51mm deep.
The super sparkly secondary growth small and druzy crystals give this Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen an overall supremely shimmering presence.

Extreme Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Very Lustrous | 166 grams

This is a supremely sparkling, highly lustrous, high quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with an excellently formed rosette formation on one side of the pocket.
The extreme luster of this specimen is a true indicator of this being a superb, high quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode. The fascinating zoning of the sensationally well formed prismatic Pink Amethyst crystals deep in the pocket of this geode are some of the best we've seen!

Supremely Sparkling High Quality Pink Amethyst Crystal Geode | 203 grams

Exceptional depth to this excellent quality Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode.  Nearly 3 inches deep!
One of the deeper geodes, of the Pink Amethyst variety, with rich color, that we have the opportunity to offer to you!

Exceptional Cavernous High Quality Pink Amethyst Crystal Geode | 273 grams


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