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Grape Agate Purple Amethyst, resembles small grapes.

Grape Agate Amethyst Botryoidal Chalcedony

Grape Agate Amethyst is peaceful and gentle stone. Grape agate is the name given to a purple, botryoidal form of botryoidal chalcedony found in Manakarra on the Sulawesi Island of Indonesia. It forms in clusters that often resemble bunches of small grapes, and colors can range from pale to deep purple to green. Also known as Grape Amethyst.

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This is a fine example of a larger size cabinet specimen of Quartz var. Amethyst aka "Grape Agate", presenting with well formed botryoidal, spherical Amethyst on all sides. Source: Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
Botryoidal Amethyst is a less common occurrence and this specimen displays very nicely. The source for this Quartz var. Amethyst "Grape Agate" is the Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.

Grape Agate Amethyst Blue Lilac Purple Botryoidal 262 Grams

This is a beautiful Grape Agate crystal specimen; a well defined Quartz var. Amethyst aka "Grape Agate" formation with botryoidal grape shaped, blue-lilac-purple spheroids on all sides.  The source for this botryoidal, spheroid Quartz var. Amethyst is the Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
The source for this botryoidal, spheroid Quartz var. Amethyst, aka Grape Agate,  is the Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.

Grape Agate | Blue-Lilac-Purple Spheroid 44 grams | Quartz Amethyst


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