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Grape Agate Amethyst large rare specimen

Crystals, Minerals and Stones

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This is an exceptional, truly rare, translucent to transparent, pale to light salmon pink Heulandite with white, some colorless Stilbite and minor Chalcedony Stalactite formation from an old collection. The entire specimen has an intriguing, overall sparkly, old type key shaped appearance.
The combination of the well formed rhombic, wedge shaped Heulandite and slender, tabular Stilbite is beautiful, add to that a truly rare stalactite form, and you have an absolutely wonderous specimen!

Rare Heulandite Stilbite Key Shaped Stalactite India 5g

Here is a distinctly unusual mineral occurrence. This is an excellent, truly rare, translucent to transparent, pale to light salmon pink Heulandite with white, some colorless Stilbite and minor Chalcedony Stalactite formation from an old collection.
This entire specimen has an intriguing, overall sparkly, fan shaped appearance. The source for this surprising and exceptional Heulandite and Stilbite Stalactite formation is Sakur, the Ahmednagar District, Nashik Division, Maharashtra, India.

Rare Heulandite Stilbite Sparkly Pearly Lustrous Stalactite India 9g

Elongated Apophylite on Prehnite
Prehnite P.S. after Laumenite

Prehnite Pseudomorph After Laumontite Crystal Cluster 15g

This is excellent Apophyllite, exhibiting many double terminated crystals, with flattened rhombohedral sugary appearing Calcite, growing on Quartz druse on a basalt matrix.  Source: Jalgaon District, Nashik Division, Maharashtra, western India.
The entire surface of the specimen is naturally dusted with a scattered coating of red Hematite that gives the entire specimen a beautiful mauve to rose-pink color. Source: Jalgaon District, Nashik Division, Maharashtra, western India. Obtained from our contact that has a direct relationship with the owners of the mines in India.

Apophyllite With Flattened Rhombohedral Calcite Hematite 310g

This is a sensational, lustrous, quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with numerous, well formed transparent and translucent double terminated crystals.
The darker pink crystals presenting in the beautiful Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode are representative of higher quality Pink Amethyst.

Pink Amethyst Sparkling Double Terminated Crystals | 135 grams

This is an outstanding, beautiful, quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen with excellent darker pink color, featuring a fascinating, unusual stalactite like formation of crystals near the center of the specimen with a double terminated crystal perched near the the top.

Pink Amethyst Geode Cool Stalactite Crystal Formation | 137 grams

Apophyllite, Zeolite Crystal Pseudocubic
Apophyllite with peachy Stilbite Crystals.

Apophyllite, Big Pseudocubic Crystal with Stilbite 55grams Zeolite

This is an extraordinary, less common occurrence of radiating, snowball-like creamy white Mordenite on a curved bed of blue-gray Quartz growing over a basalt matrix.
The blue-gray Quartz provides a beautifully contrasting backdrop for the excellent Mordenite in this specimen.

Mordenite Radiating Snowball Like Crystals on Blue-Gray Quartz 265g

This is a terrific Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite specimen with translucent, lustrous, rectangular Apophyllite crystals and a layer of snowy looking, silky Mordenite.
This fine Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite specimen features fascinating finger-like stalks, some stalactite-like, of pale, light blue-green Prehnite.

Prehnite Pseudomorph After Laumontite Apophyllite Mordenite 144g

This is an excellent, large Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite specimen with lustrous, transparent and translucent, rectangular Apophyllite crystals.
This large Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite specimen is a fine example of crystallized Prehnite that replaced prismatic crystals that were once Laumontite.

Prehnite Pseudomorph After Laumontite Apophyllite Large 169g

This is an exceptional, large Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite specimen with lustrous, transparent and translucent, rectangular Apophyllite crystals.
This specimen is an excellent example of crystallized Prehnite replaced prismatic crystals that were once Laumontite.

Prehnite Pseudomorph After Laumontite Apophyllite Large 238g

This is a beautiful Vesuvianite crystal specimen exhibiting an overall unusual growth pattern and featuring some less common, smooth and lustrous surfaces.
There appears to have been some interruption of growth and self-healing of the crystalline structure to this fascinating Vesuvianite specimen.  The specimen exhibits an overall heart shape from at least two angles.

Vesuvianite Crystal Unusual Growth Lustrous Faces 248g

This is a superb, unusually larger and 100% natural, highly lustrous, quality Vesuvianite specimen with excellent formation including exceptional stepped growth.
This is a truly a higher grade example of Vesuvianite crystal specimen above and beyond in quality than the norm of what is usually available from this location.

Vesuvianite Superb Luster Smooth Faces Unusual Size 280g

Quartz with Epidote mineral from Lima Peru

Quartz Crystals with Epidote Peru Mineral 50grams

Fluorapophyllite Crystals, green, gemmy mineral.

Green Fluorapophyllite Crystal, Stilbite - Zeolites

This is a quality, sandwich seam-like, beautiful Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen featuring deep, dark pink color and fascinating calcite crystals that appear almost twinning in presentation though are more likely cool parallel growth.
Densely packed Pink Amethyst crystals line the walls of this excellent geode specimen. Well formed, the Calcite crystals exhibit wonderfully with scattered, sort of spotted with interesting manganese over their surfaces.

Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Sandwich With Calcite | 173 grams

Epidote with Quartz Crystal cluster shown on base in hand.

Epidote Crystals Lustrous Fan Bowtie Shaped on Quartz Khenifra Morocco 29g

This Pink Amethyst geode exhibits a beautiful shine on the crystals. It displays beautiful form and color.
There are an abundance of crystals growing crowed in this beautiful Pink Amethyst geode.

Pink Amethyst Geode Many Crystals 98 grams

Not many specimens like this one. This is a less common, exceptional, lustrous, water clear translucent Calcite specimen from Medford Quarry, Maryland, with Manganese bearing Todorokite inclusions that give the crystals an exotic appearance.
The interiors of the Calcite where the Todorokite inclusions occur cause the crystals to present with an intriguing "garden quartz" or "lodolite" appearance.

Calcite Todorokite Inclusions Translucent Medford Quarry Maryland

Milky Way Fluorite UV reactive and daylight reactive

Fluorite Milky Way Pocket, Diana Maria Mine Crystal 267grams

Milky Way Fluorite ball, Diana Maria Mine, England

Fluorite Milky Way Pocket, Diana Maria Mine Crystal Ball 279grams

This is an excellent deep, darker pink, higher quality, Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen featuring an abundance of lustrous crystals presenting in fascinating arrays and clusters with wonderfully contrasting manganese glazed Calcite crystals, one of which appears large and prominently near the center of the specimen.
Absolutely crowded with superbly formed Pink Amethyst crystals, both primary and smaller secondary growth crystals present beautifully.

Deep Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Manganese Calcite | 159 grams

This is a cavernous, quality, beautiful Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode specimen featuring wonderful depth, exceptionally well formed water clear calcite crystals near the edge of the specimen and a secondary growth small calcite crystals bridge deep in the pocket.
Many densely packed Pink Amethyst crystals line the walls of this excellent geode specimen.

Cavernous Pink Amethyst Crystals Geode Clear Calcite | 203 grams


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