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Black Tourmaline Tumbled Stones 1 inch size range


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Beautiful Pyrite Cubes Navajun Spain 44g
Exhibited is a well formed, beautiful higher quality** crystal specimen with attractive mirror-like metallic luster and fascinating growth patterns on faces. There are two cubes present, one of which is more embedded in matrix.

Beautiful Pyrite Cubes Navajun Spain 44g

Beautiful Smoky Amethyst Quartz Scepter 397g
397grams; or 14oz. 3.6" x 3" x 2"

Beautiful Smoky Amethyst Quartz Scepter 397g

Bloodstone polished small to medium tumbled stones.

Bloodstone Polished Tumbled Stone - Healing Crystal

Blue Chalcedony polished stones

Blue Chalcedony Polished Stone

Brandberg Amethyst with Double termination, clean tip, with key.
Brandberg Amethyst double terminated Crystal dark purple, 58 grams, rainbows.

Brandberg Amethyst Crystal |Namibia 58grams | Double Terminated

Brazilian -Agate-Moon-Choclate-Crystal

Brazilian Agate Moon, Natural Polished Stone, Druzy Crystals


Brazilian Agate Star Crystal Natural, Polished Druzy Crystals

Calcite Aragonite from West Camp Santa Eulalia Mining Dist. Chihuahua Mexico.

Calcite Aragonite Crystal Cluster Santa Eulalia Mining District Beautiful Specimen!

Calcite Crystal Cluster Aragonite 73grams

Calcite Aragonite Crystal Cluster Santa Eulalia Mining District Beautiful Specimen!

Calcite Aragonite Crystal Cluster beautiful mineral specimen

Calcite Aragonite Crystal Cluster Santa Eulalia Mining District Beautiful Specimen!

This is a sensational, very lustrous, unusual and complex specimen with multiple formations of Calcite growth.
 The Calcite presents as stalactitic with long icicle-like formations, some scepter-like, translucent to transparent double terminated prismatic crystals, and rhombohedral crystals perched primarily on one side and at the top of the specimen.

Calcite Crystals Multiple Formations Lustrous Russia 158g

This is an attractive USA location piece, exhibiting rhombohedral, scalenohedral Calcite, translucent to transparent barrel shaped crystals, many of which are double terminated.
These Calcite crystals from Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pennsylvania present on what could be called the underside and the topside of this specimen.

Calcite Double Terminated Pennsylvania 147g

Not many specimens like this one. This is a less common, exceptional, lustrous, water clear translucent Calcite specimen from Medford Quarry, Maryland, with Manganese bearing Todorokite inclusions that give the crystals an exotic appearance.
The interiors of the Calcite where the Todorokite inclusions occur cause the crystals to present with an intriguing "garden quartz" or "lodolite" appearance.

Calcite Todorokite Inclusions Translucent Medford Quarry Maryland

This is a beautiful plate of scalenohedral, lightly honey colored Calcite crystals exhibiting wonderful isolation with attractive luster and growing on a bed of creamy white Barite.
Many of the crystals on this excellent plate of Calcite and Barite are twinned and or present double terminated.

Calcite Twinned Crystals Elmwood Tennessee 199g

This is fascinating, unusual growth rhombohedral Calcite exhibiting a sloping, flared looking presentation, wider at the faces and termination while narrower near the base with atypically structured crystals at a 90 degree angle for an overall intriguing boot shaped specimen.
The source for this fine, unusual Calcite is the Vtoroy Sovetskiy Mine, Dalnegorsk, Russia.

Calcite Unusual Flared Boot Shape Rhombohedral Crystal Russia 65g

Calcite with Barite from Emilio Mine, Spain

Calcite with Barite Crystal Emilio Mine Spain Mineral 87grams

Calcite With Phantoms Santa Eulalia Mexico 161g

Calcite With Phantoms Santa Eulalia Mexico 161g

This is a less common, beautiful example of scalenohedral, large dog tooth Calcite crystals, often referred to as "Mariposa" or Butterfly Calcite, presenting with phantoms, inclusions and two phases of growth.
The gorgeous orangish-brown to honey-caramel color in these Calcite crystals from Santa Eulalia, Mexico is from the influence and inclusion of Hematite and or iron oxide.

Calcite With Phantoms Santa Eulalia Mexico 223g


Carnelian Crystal Banded Standing with Heart | 205grams


Carnelian Crystal Standing 263grams

Large standing Carnelian Crystal with beautiful banding.

Carnelian Crystal Standing | Crystal Decor' | 2.72lbs

Carnelian Polished heart stones with nice banding.

Carnelian Heart | Banded Carnelian High Quality Crystal Heart

Carnelian polished large palm sized Crystal. Big puffy heart.

Carnelian Heart | Crystal Heart | Crystal for Love & Inspiration


Carnelian Palmstone | Beautiful Carnelian Crystal


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